Maintenance and use of magnetic flap level gauge
Magnetic flap liquid level gauge is widely used for liquid level measurement and control in the production process of electric power, petroleum, chemical industry, metallurgy, shipbuilding, construction, food and other industries. The product is developed according to the principle of buoyancy and magnetic coupling. When the liquid level in the measured container rises and falls, the magnetic float in the main pipe of the liquid level gauge also rises and falls. The magnetic steel in the float is transmitted to the magnetic turnover column indicator through magnetic coupling to drive the red and white turnover columns to turn 180 °. When the liquid level rises, the turnover column changes from white to red, and when the liquid level falls, the turnover column changes from red to white, The red white junction of the indicator is the actual height of the liquid level in the container, so as to realize clear indication of the liquid level.
Maintenance and use of magnetic flap level gauge:
1. The liquid level gauge must be installed vertically to ensure that the floating ball assembly can move up and down freely in the main pipe.
2. No conducting magnet is allowed around the main body of the liquid level gauge, otherwise the operation of the liquid level gauge will be directly affected.
3. After the installation of the magnetometer is completed, the liquid level below zero shall be displayed in white, and the liquid level below zero shall be corrected once.
4. When the liquid level gauge is put into operation, the valve of the lower liquid guide pipe shall be opened first to allow the liquid medium to enter the main pipe smoothly, so as to avoid the rapid rise of the liquid medium with the floating ball assembly, resulting in column turnover failure and random turnover. If this phenomenon occurs, the magnetic steel can be used for recalibration after the liquid level is stable.
5. In order not to damage the floating ball assembly during transportation, take the floating ball assembly out of the main pipe of the liquid level gauge before leaving the factory. After the installation of the liquid level gauge, open the bottom blowdown flange, and then reinstall the floating ball assembly into the main pipe. Note that the heavy end of the floating ball assembly is upward and cannot be upside down. If the floating ball assembly has been installed in the main pipe before leaving the factory, in order to ensure that the floating ball assembly will not be damaged during transportation, we use a soft card to fix the floating ball assembly in the main pipe. During installation, just pull out the soft card.
6. According to the medium conditions, the blowdown flange can be opened regularly to clean the precipitated substances in the main pipe.